South Jersey Disorderly Conduct Defense Attorney
Disorderly Conduct Charges Lawyer in Camden County, NJ Provides Insightful Legal Guidance to Clients in Burlington County, Cumberland County, Gloucester County, and Throughout New Jersey
Disorderly conduct charges are more serious than many people think. They can lead to fines and up to a month in prison, while the circumstances surrounding a disorderly conduct charge can lead to longer incarceration periods. While some people may be surprised to learn that they can be charged with the crime of disorderly conduct for actions that they consider to be non-serious such as shouting or physically contacting someone, these can constitute serious crimes. If you face a disorderly conduct charge, you should speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney to handle your case. A South Jersey disorderly conduct defense attorney at Gelman Law, LLC is just a call away, and we specialize in criminal cases, so contact us today for assistance with your case.
Understanding Statute NJ 2C:33-2 On Disorderly Conduct
New Jersey statute NJ 2C:33-2 defines disorderly conduct and outlines the different actions that can constitute disorderly conduct and lead to disorderly conduct charges.
In general, you may be found guilty of disorderly conduct if you behave in such a way as to cause a public inconvenience or annoyance or raise an alarm. However, you can face disorderly conduct charges under the following circumstances:
Under New Jersey Statute 2C:33-2(a), you can face disorderly conduct charges of improper behavior for fighting, threatening someone, or performing other acts that can be considered violent.
Under New Jersey Statute 2C:33-2(b), you can face disorderly conduct charges of offensive language if you use offensive language in public that is meant to offend someone who can hear it or you use such language recklessly in a manner that can offend someone who can hear it.
It is important to remember that disorderly conduct is different from a disorderly person. The former entails specific criminal charges. If being deemed the latter, however, that means you were convicted of a disorderly persons offense, which in New Jersey is a criminal misdemeanor.
Examples of Disorderly Conduct As Defined By NJ 2C:33-2
Many different actions can lead to disorderly conduct charges in New Jersey. They are all different types of aggressive behavior that are intended to anger or annoy someone else. Examples include:
- Making loud noises
- Screaming in someone’s face
- Yelling threats at someone
- Pushing or shoving someone
- Throwing or breaking objects
All of these actions can lead to disorderly conduct charges since the public can be shown to have been disturbed or alarmed by such actions, and our disorderly conduct charges lawyer in Camden, NJ can help you defend against such charges.
Punishments and Penalties That an Experienced Disorderly Conduct Charges Lawyer in Cherry Hill, NJ at Gelman Law, LLC Can Help You With
As a misdemeanor charge, disorderly conduct convictions do not entail any serious prison time, punishable by a maximum penalty of 30 days in jail and up to $500 in fines. The convicted actor may also have to serve probation and perform community service while paying restitution (making amends and covering the losses of victims) if anything was damaged by the actor’s actions.
However, there can be serious collateral consequences of disorderly conduct convictions. For example, once you have a criminal conviction on your record, even if it is for a misdemeanor such as disorderly conduct, you can face challenges qualifying for certain types of employment and even housing. You can lose professional licenses and you may even be barred from serving in the United States Military.
South Jersey Disorderly Conduct Defense Attorney Fights for Sentencing Alternatives for Disorderly Persons Offenses
The 30-day incarceration period is not the standard punishment for disorderly persons charges, even though the courts are within their rights to mete out those penalties. In most cases, the courts have multiple options at their disposal to punish and rehabilitate those convicted of disorderly conduct without sending them to jail. Common sentencing options include:
- Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI): By enrolling in a PTI program and completing the program’s requirements, you can have your disorderly conduct charge dismissed. PTI is reserved for only specific cases, circumstances, and defendants (for example, nonviolent first offenders).
- Veterans Diversion Programs: This is another route that can be used for defendants who are military veterans. With a veteran’s diversion, the defendant must complete court-ordered mental health and substance abuse treatment programs and can have their case dismissed if they do so successfully.
- Conditional Dismissal Programs: This is a program much like probation. If an accused defendant pleads guilty to an eligible offense, they are placed on probation for a fixed term. If they meet the court’s mandated conditions, they can have their case dismissed at the end of the monitoring term.
How a South Jersey Disorderly Conduct Defense Attorney Can Help With Your Disorderly Conduct Charge

An experienced disorderly conduct charges lawyer in Camden County, NJ at Gelman Law, LLC can evaluate your case and will assess its strengths and weaknesses to devise a sound defense and legal strategy to your benefit. We provide free case consultations and will walk you through everything you need to know about your case. Do not hesitate to contact us today for assistance with your disorderly conduct charge.
Frequently Asked Questions About Facing Charges for Disorderly Conduct in South Jersey
In most cases, the statute of limitations for disorderly conduct charges in New Jersey is 1 year. This means charges of disorderly conduct must be brought by the victim or another party against the accused (the defendant) within one year of the occurrence of the alleged incident. A failure to meet this filing deadline will mean that charges cannot be brought against you for those specific alleged actions at all.
With years of experience handling criminal cases of every kind, the dedicated legal team at Gelman Law, LLC will investigate your case and gather evidence to determine the laws, procedures, applications, and other processes that apply to your case so that you have the documentation and proof and meet all other evidentiary and procedural requirements to defend yourself and preserve your rights against the charges you face. Call us now to learn more.