Megan’s Law Removal Lawyer in South Jersey

Results-Driven Criminal Defense Lawyer Helps Clients Obtain Megan’s Law Removal in Burlington County, NJ
One of the ongoing—potentially lifelong—stigma of being convicted for committing a sex crime in New Jersey is the Megan’s Law registration requirements that apply. Megan’s Law was passed in New Jersey in 1994 in an effort to prevent those who had been convicted of a prior sex crime from committing subsequent related crimes.
Have Questions About Megan’s Law Removal? We Can Help, Tell Us What Happened.
Megan’s Law registration demonstrates just how serious the New Jersey criminal justice system takes sex crimes—even if you have fully completed your punishment, you may be required to publicly disclose the fact that you were convicted of a sex crime for decades to come, effectively lengthening your sentence and making it much more difficult to move forward with your life. Megan’s Law further requires that you inform local law enforcement of where you live, work and even if you move—and you are required to verify this information periodically, potentially exposing you to criminal penalties for failure to do so.
Despite this, Megan’s Law registration does not always have to be a life sentence. Under certain circumstances, Megan’s Law removal may be possible in New Jersey with the assistance of an experienced criminal defense lawyer. At Gelman Law, LLC, we believe that sometimes good people make mistakes and should be entitled to pay their debt to society and move forward. We understand that you could have been wrongly convicted or that the circumstances surrounding your life when you were convicted may have changed dramatically in the time that has elapsed. If you would like to learn more about your potential eligibility for Megan’s Law removal or the process involved, call or contact us today.
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Understanding Megan’s Law and Megan’s Law Removal in New Jersey
If you are subject to Megan’s Law registration requirements, you already know how difficult it is to be publicly labeled as a sex offender, where your photo and address are publicly displayed so that anyone with Internet access can see that you were convicted of a sex crime. The police department where you reside or are employed may even proactively notify schools and your employer of your status and presence in the community depending upon the severity of the crime involved. Because of corresponding laws enacted at the federal level, New Jersey law enforcement can also notify another state or foreign country of your history if you move between jurisdictions.
Megan’s Law requirements may apply if you were convicted of:
- Aggravated sexual assault,
- Sexual assault,
- Aggravated criminal sexual contact,
- Endangering the welfare of a child.
Obtaining Megan’s Law removal can be complicated, but our skilled defense lawyer is here to advocate on your behalf throughout the entire process. Generally, Megan’s Law removal requires showing that:
- At least 15 years have passed since you were convicted of a sex crime or released from prison (whichever date is later),
- You do not pose a threat to the safety of others,
- You have not committed any other crimes in the 15 years that have elapsed since completion of your prison sentence.
For those convicted as juveniles (under age 14) who are subject to Megan’s Law requirements, the rules differ slightly and removal may become possible upon reaching age 18.
Criminal Defense Lawyer Strongly Advocates for Megan’s Law Removal for Qualified Candidates in Cherry Hill and Elsewhere in New Jersey
At Gelman Law, LLC, we believe that one mistake in your past should not define your entire future and freedom. Our skilled defense team will handle every aspect of your application to secure approval for Megan’s Law removal, including:
- Filing a motion in the county where you reside,
- Coordinating and filing a psychological evaluation designed to show you no longer present a threat to the safety of others,
- Advocating on your behalf by presenting evidence of your good character and stable employment,
- Filing all necessary forms and paperwork, and arguing on your behalf at any required hearings.
Call Today to Discuss the Possibility of Megan’s Law Removal with Our Experienced Camden County Criminal Defense Team
Megan’s Law requirements can make it difficult to find a place to live, employment, obtain credit and even spend time with your own children. At Gelman Law, LLC, we understand how important Megan’s Law removal can be to your ability to move forward with your life in a productive manner and are dedicated to helping qualified applicants obtain removal. If you would like to explore the option of Megan’s Law removal, call or contact our experienced Megan’s Law removal lawyer to schedule a confidential consultation.
Frequently Asked Questions About Megan’s Law Removal
Yes. Generally, if you were convicted of aggravated sexual assault or more than one sex crime, Megan’s Law removal is unavailable in most cases. If your Megan’s Law tier classification is tier 3, you are likely ineligible for removal.
The applicable time frames are different if you were adjudicated delinquent for a sex crime as a juvenile and were under the age of 14 when the offense occurred. In this case, you are eligible for Megan’s Law removal if you have now reached age 18 (if you were between age 13 and 18 when adjudicated delinquent, the same procedures that apply to adults will apply).
Megan’s Law removal may take a few months to accomplish. We will need to gather all relevant documentation related to your conviction, probation and any other factors that could influence the court’s decision. We must also obtain an expert psychological opinion finding that you no longer pose a threat to society. Then we will prepare and file the motion for removal on your behalf, after which a hearing will likely be necessary to determine whether removal is appropriate.